Strap on your anti-cringe hemp headbands, you're going to need them! This is the first episode in a multi-part series that spanned almost 3 episodes! I have enough old footage to create probably a total of 4 or 5 episodes for you guys, but this is one of two that were fully edited and previously uploaded (and later removed, of course). -Presumed file creation date: Feb 2, 2007- In this episode, I try to get audio working on an IBM Aptiva 550 running Windows 98. Then I get some asinine idea to downgrade the processor to one that won't fit. Luckily that doesn't happen in this episode. (This was the originally edited footage). Music: Legacy of Rust by Skaven Instant Rejection by Skaven Skaven Stuff: The computer open on the floor (Packard Bell) is the original Ultimate DOS Machine, and the Mac Pro is the same computer I installed an SSD in (and accidentally used to wipe a drive )